Archery Road & North Park Area 20mph Zone

What do we want to know:

The aim of the consultation is to gather residents and other stakeholder comments about the proposed 20 mph zone scheme.

For more information on the proposed scheme click on the following links

Consultation document

Plan 1 of 2           Plan 2 of 2




The Council is rolling out the introduction of 20mph zones on all residental roads in the Royal Borough.

The proposal is to:  

Introduce a 20mph zone covering the Archery Road and North Park area as show on attached map 1 

Install road humps/raised tables on proposed roads

Repair any exisiting traffic calming features

Insall "20" roundels on proposed roads in area

Re-mark faded road markings

Remove any unnecessary signage throughout the area to reduce street clutter

Review road markings at junctions where cars are beinvg parked close to the junctions to reflect the requirements of The Highway Code.



Rich Udemezue

Directorate of Regeneration Enterprise and Skills

The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
SE18 6HQ