Proposal to close Charlotte Turner School

What do we want to know:

Pre-statutory consultation on the proposal to close Charlotte Turner School.

The results will be reported back to Cabinet before any decision is made on publishing Public Notices about Charlotte Turner School.


A questioninaire included in consultation document which was sent out to: parents and carers; teachers and non-teaching staff; families of pupils in other schools affected; trades unions representing staff at the school and other schools affected; governing bodies and teachers of other schools; local MPs; other interested parties including local voluntary groups.

Additionally views were collected from meetings with pupils, parents and one public meeting. There were meetings with school staff and the governing body.

Summary of results: 

A total of 156 proforma responses were returned to the questionnaire along with 15 individual written responses.

119 reponses were sent in by Charlotte Turner pupils.

Views were also collected from meetings with pupils, parents, staff and governors.


All the responses were reported to the a Cabinet Meeting, along with a commentary of all the issues raised from the Director of Children's Services.

It was confirmed that if the decision to close the school was made definite, support would be provided to pupils transferring to other schools.

Financial support would also be available to parents to help with uniform and extra travel costs.

Arrangements will be made to retain the use of the school premises for community and other service use.

A majority of responses were opposed to the school closure. However, members concluded that keeping the school open would not secure the necessary improvement to the standard of education being provided, so decided to go ahead with the statuatory process of closing the school. 


Mike Bright

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Town Hall
Wellington Street
SE18 6PW