Consultation on Royal Borough of Greenwich School Admission Arrangements for 2024/25

What do we want to know:

All admission authorities are required to formally consult if they want to make any changes to their schools’ admission arrangements for the following school year. They also have to consult on their schools’ admission arrangements at least once every seven years, even if there have been no changes during that period.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich co-ordinates an annual school admissions consultation on behalf of all community schools in the borough.

The consultation on school admission arrangements for September 2024 is now open. The consultation will run from Tuesday 22 November until midnight, Friday 6 January 2023.

Proposed changes to the school admission arrangements for Community schools for 2024 intakes include:

  • Linton Mead Primary School to reduce its published admission number (PAN) from 60 to 30.
  • New definition for the medical/social care needs criterion within the oversubscription criteria.
  • Better clarity on the rationale for consideration and how applications are assessed under the medical/social needs criterion of the oversubscription criteria.

Appendix A School Admission Arrangements for Community Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools, including Sixth Form
Appendix B Pan-London Co-ordinated Admissions System


Should you wish to make any comments about the proposed arrangements, you can do so by email:, or by post: 

Schools Admissions Service 
Royal Borough of Greenwich 
The Woolwich Centre 
35 Wellington Street 
Woolwich, London 
SE18 6HQ 

Objections to the Schools Adjudicator 

Following consultation, admission authorities must determine the admission arrangements for all their schools by 28 February 2023. Once determined, any objections to admission arrangements for 2024-2025, can be made to the Schools Adjudicator until 15 May 2023. 

The contact details are as follows: 

Officer of the Schools Adjudicator 
Bishopsgate House 
DL1 5QE 

Find out about Objection to school admission arrangements on GOV.UK (



Schools Admissions

Childrens Services

The Woolwich Centre
SE18 6HQ