Help shape the borough’s new Local Plan

What do we want to know:

We’re asking residents, businesses and community groups to help shape the future of development in Royal Greenwich.

The Local Plan is the Council’s main planning document, which is used to manage development such as new homes and business space for people to work and shop. It includes policies to ensure that any development in the borough is supported by essential infrastructure such as schools and doctors surgeries, and helps the Council to tackle climate change and improve air quality.

In the first phase of consultation, the Council is asking people about what’s important to them in a number of key areas, such as housing, transport, the local economy and climate change. The feedback will be used to help produce a first draft of the new plan for further consultation next summer.


We’re asking residents, businesses and community groups to help shape the future of development in Royal Greenwich.

The Local Plan is the Council’s main planning document, which is used to manage development such as new homes and business space for people to work and shop. It includes policies to ensure that any development in the borough is supported by essential infrastructure such as schools and doctors surgeries, and helps the Council to tackle climate change and improve air quality.


This consultation started on 11 July 2023 and finished on 05 September 2023


Planning Team

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Town Hall
Wellington Street
SE18 6PW