Hughes & Gilbert House Play Area

What do we want to know:

Consult to merge two playgrounds into one and provide new play equipment


Open public meeting
Summary of results: 

Residents and youths were first consulted in 2008 and asked what they would like to see in and around their play area.
Suggestions of swings, climbing frames, more equipment and floor games in the court yard were suggested.  We were also asked about stopping dogs using the grass area to the rear of the park.
Four designs were drawn up from four different play companies and the residents and youths were consulted on their preferred choice of design in July 2009.


The design from SMP was chosen to provide the best value for money and an order was placed in December 2009 for work to commence.  Work on the play area was completed by the end of January 2010.
Positive feedback has been received from the youths and residents on the new play are.


Michael Hammonds

Royal Borough of Greenwich

Town Hall
Wellington Street
SE18 6PW