Avery Hill area proposed Controlled Parking Zone

What do we want to know:

The consultation aims to determine the level of support from local residents and businesses for the proposed Controlled Parking Zone.


Residents who live or work in specified streets in the Avery Hill area can take part in the online survey. You will need to enter the number printed on the consultation leaflet delivered to your house.

The streets covered are : Rainham Close; Overmead; Halfway Street (Avery Hill Road to borough boundary); Croyde Close; Avery Hill Road; Southspring; Greenhithe Close; Radfield Way; Hambeldon Road; Restons Crescent; Anstridge Road; Alderwood Road; Bexley Road; Riefield Road; Colepits Wood Road; Crown Woods Way; Fairoak Drive; Rennets Wood Road; Rennets Close; Packmores Road.


Summary of results: 

There were 1650 Avery Hill CPZ surveys distributed of which there were 338 responses. Of the 338 responses 72% were in support of the CPZ scheme with 28% against it.


All residents will be written to shortly to notify them of the results of the survey which will be reported to the next Highways Committee meeting to be held 1st December 2010.


Richard Cornell

Directorate of Regeneration Enterprise and Skills

The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
SE18 6HQ


020 8921 5580