Calderwood Street area 20pmh Zone

What do we want to know:

The aim of this consultation is to propose a 20mph zone in Calderwood Street, install road humps on those roads in the area that does not currently have them, re-mark faded road markings, install "20" roundels on those roads on the area with lower traffic speeds, re-build any damaged traffic calming eatures and take down any unnecessary signage throughout the area to reduce street clutter


This consultation is directed at those who live and work in the proposed area.  They can complete the questionnaire either in paper form and return to the FREEPOST address on envelope provided or the questionnaire can be completed online Calderwood Street 20mph Zone Consultation


This consultation started on 03 March 2014 and finished on 20 March 2015


Danny Cox

Directorate of Regeneration Enterprise and Skills

The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
SE18 6HQ